Willow Pass Repaving Safe Route to Transit (SR2T), PJ No. 2449
General Description: The work to be done in general consists of mobilization, traffic control, storm water pollution control, street pavement rehabilitation, pavement milling, cold-in-place recycling, placement of conventional and rubberized hot mix asphalt concrete, ADA ramp construction, traffic striping and markings, installation of High Intensity Activated Traffic Crosswalk (HAWK) Signal and Solar Powered Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) and all other work as shown on the Plans and as specified in these Special Provisions.
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 4/10/24 2:00pm |
Company & Contacts
City of Concord - Engineering Services
Aldrich Bautista
Concord, CA
The estimated construction cost for the Total Bid is approximately $8.5 million (including Bid Additive A and B).