Fulton Storm Drain Improvement Project CDD007

Construction of one curb opening inlet with a curb opening, troughs and a grate, 46 feet of curb gutter and sidewalk, including surface restoration of public streets and rights of way, and all other work required to complete project.


Bidding Closed

Bid Date7/16/20 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Vallejo Flood and Wastewater
Gustavo F. Silva  


Vallejo, CA

Estimate: $86,000

A bidder must purchase a complete set (hard or electronic copy) from BPXpress Reprographics to be considered responsive and to receive addenda notifications. There is a fee of $75 PER SET for a bid package, plus shipping and handling if necessary.
The City will receive bids via the Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District (District) Planroom at www.blueprintexress.com (https://www.vallejowastewaterplans.com/) until date and time listed above, at which time they will be publicly opened and read.
Online Sealed Bid Submission Directions
Sealed bids will be received by online submission. Instructions for submitting bids online follow:

1. Log into the Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District Planroom located on the Blueprint Express website at www.vallejowastewaterplans.com and click on the project name, as specified above.

2. Once in the project page, click the “Submit Bid Docs” tab. Note that bidders will have to be logged-in in order to see this tab. The bidder will be able to confirm that they are logged in the bottom left corner of the screen.

3. When the “Submit Bid Docs” tab is clicked, the logged-in bidder’s information will automatically populate. Complete the form and attach the bid.

4. Before the time and date for receipt of bids, District staff will be able to observe the names of bidders and the date and time that bids were submitted. No one, including District staff, will be able to view any other information. All bid form attachments are all “sealed” until the bid time passes.

5. After the bid time passes, District staff will click the “Bid Results” tab, download the bids submitted, and read the bids out loud on the conference call, as described below.

Additional explanation regarding the procedures for submitting bids is available on the Blueprint Express / Benicia website. No hard copy paper bids will be accepted.
Virtual Bid Opening Instructions
Bids will be opened utilizing TELECONFERENCING technologies. Bidders and members of the public may listen to the bid opening via the teleconference meeting as follows:

􀀁 Dial-in Info: 707-558-3400
􀀁 Participant Code: 995-309-91