Midway - Farm to Market Phase 3

Solano County Roadway Preservation: Pave Midway Road with 1.5" thickness HMA with geosynthetic pavement interlayer from 250' West of Lewis Road to Porter Road / Midway Intersection. Perfom dig-out repairs and place leveling course of 3/8" HMA. Solano County Farm to Market Phase 3: Construct 4-foot paved shoulders, install HMA leveling course, and install a polymer modified asphalt emulsion chip seal with a micro-surface on Mankas Corner Road and Suisun Valley Road.


Bidding Closed

Bid Date9/20/21 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Solano County Public Works Engineering
Matt Tuggle  


Solano County, CA

Engineer’s Estimate: $3,900,000.00