Green Stormwater Infrastructure


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date5/2/24 2:00pm

Bid Date5/30/24 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Dublin
Laurie Sucgang  


Dublin, CA

PROJECT SCOPE: The Project is more specifically defined in the Contract Documents, but generally includes: furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, and services necessary to perform the construction and installation of the following: an approximately 10,500 square foot bioretenion area, including approximately 750 linear feet of storm drain pipes with structures, and additional public improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, and asphalt trail improvements as shown in the Specifications, Special Provisions, Project Plans, and other Contract Documents entitled as shown above, now on file in the office of the Public Works Director, to which reference is hereby made for further particulars. Environmental testing of the bio retention area has found that the project area contains arsenic, barium, and vanadium around the historical railroad embankment as a result of former railroad activities. The Project will remove approximately 6,300 cubic yards of soil which are suitable for disposal at a Class III landfill or for use in an industrial site. Trimming of native trees, and removal of some native and non-native trees, shrubs and vegetation will be required to prepare the project site for earth moving activities and installation of park components. New planting and landscaping will be included in the Project as well as new or modified gates and fencing.

COST ESTIMATE: The City’s estimated total construction cost for this Project is between $2,700,000 and $2,900,000. The estimate is intended to serve merely as a guideline of the magnitude of work. Neither the bidders nor the contractor shall be entitled to claims because of any inaccuracy in the estimated cost range.