RBSD Sewer Improvement Project 2023-2024

The work includes the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment for the construction of the sewer improvements project, including internal televising of sewer mains and laterals, excavation, pipebursting, open cut excavation and pipe replacement, spot repairs, new manholes, CCTV, rehabilitation and reconnection of sewer laterals, disposal of asbestos cement pipe if removed, backfill, AC paving and surface restoration, together with all appurtenances, connections and testing, for the completed and operational project as shown on the Plans and as specified.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date9/5/23 10:00am

Bid Date9/14/23 10:00am


Nute Engineering


Richardson Bay Sanitary District, 500 Tiburon Blvd, Tiburon, CA 94920.

Engineer's Estimate at $925,000