SD 5 - Cove Road Force Main Replacement


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date5/12/20 10:00am

Bid Date5/19/20 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

Sanitary District No. 5
Mark Wilson  
415-453-4480 x208


Sanitary District No. 5

1. As a first order of work, immediately after signed construction contracts are completed the Contractor shall secure Caltrans Double Permit (See District Permit Appendix B, Permit Deposit Fee of $1,804). This permit has the following elements needed prior to approval:
2. Approved Water Pollution Control Plan signed by a QSP, in accordance with San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board.
a. Dewatering plans and dewatering permit approved by San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board.
b. Submit monitoring plans for ground movement within the Caltrans right of way portion of the work.
c. Submit Contractors Cal-Osha Permit for Trenching and Safety.
d. Submit for the Caltrans Right of Way submit shoring plans and calculations signed and sealed by a California Registered Engineer.
e. Submit for the construction work within the Caltrans Right of Way and adjacent feeder streets, Traffic Control Plan.